A Large Variety Of Wholesale Shopping Bags Online


Tailored Packaging Australia is a supplier of wholesale shopping bags. We can help you with all of your packaging needs, from buying wholesale shopping bags to customizing them with your company logo. Tailored Packaging stocks a wide range of bags in various substrates, sizes and styles.

If you require a stock line bag, or you wish to customise one to your exact needs, we can work with you to achieve the best results. Our stock bag range varies from plastic to paper bags, with varying styles including singlet, die-cut, and loop handle shopping bags.

Our wholesale shopping bags available online come in a range of different colours, prints and sizes. The majority of our stock line bags have at least one of the following attributes: made with recycled material, made with a sustainable resource, recyclable, biodegradable, reusable or for plastic bags, or contain an EPI additive, which makes them 100% degradable in the correct conditions. As these are stock line bags we always have a large quantity on hand available to send out to you whenever you need to buy whole shopping bags online.

Consider customising your wholesale shopping bags with your company logo. We offer screen-printing or metallic hot foil stamping on locally printed jobs, which only takes 2-3 weeks to produce. This can serve as an effective marketing tool for your company, as you bag will expose your brand name to more people and potentially increase your customer base.

Materials for wholesale shopping bags can range from the plastics - HDPE, LDPE, MDPE; to paper - art, Kraft, Wood-Free, and Treeless Stone paper; to re-usable fabric - PP nonwoven, PP woven, polyester and cotton. Depending on the look you are after and to how environmentally conscious you are, we have a bag that will suit your needs.

We are able to achieve any handle design required, such as singlet, die cut, soft loop, flat fold, rigid loop, PP round rope, shoulder strap, tote bag, clear PVC tube and drawstring. If you have got something else in mind, we are happy to help you achieve what you are after. We can also further personalise your bags with features such as metal eyelets, embossing, or adding in a cardboard reinforced base.

If you want to buy your wholesale shopping bags online as soon as possible, we can have stock line bags delivered to you within a couple of working days. As our bags are printed locally, we can have these ready for you in only 2-3 weeks. Customised bags generally take longer to produce, please allow approximately 8-12 weeks to manufacture from artwork approval. For minimum orders on the type of bag you require, please contact one of our Tailored Packaging team.

Tailored Packaging ensures that the highest quality standards are in place for your order, by developing and managing your packaging requirements from the design table to delivery to your retail store. With an in-house graphics department, we can develop your wholesale plastic bags from scratch or incorporate any ideas you may have.

You can buy wholesale shopping bags online here on our website, or get in touch with Tailored Packaging Australia for quotes or enquiries for your wholesale shopping bags on 1300 852 088 or email us at sales@tailoredpackaging.com.au.